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GET IN TOUCH5 Things to do Before you Start Blogging
Wednesday 2nd January 2013
My (work-based) resolution at the start of this new year is to begin writing a web site design blog for the website. As I've started to think about what sort of content this could include, I've realised it's not as easy as it sounds! After a bit of online research, I found an article by James Brocklebank on weblogbetter.com that I found quite useful...so thought I'd share and then try to implement the suggestions myself!
The article looks at 5 things you should do before you start blogging. One important point that I feel also needs to be included is to make sure that you are committed and persevere with it. Having a blog that is never updated makes your website look out of date, and that's not good! Let's hope that at the start of next year, I can look back over 2013 and still be blogging on a regular basis! So how would I define 'regular'? I'm going to try and commit to at least one or two blog posts every month, even if it is sometimes just sharing articles from other people that I found interesting. Well, that's a good start isn't it?
1. Find a Partner.
The blogging world can be a very lonely place. You hear these wonderful stories of people who have given up their day jobs and spend their time with their families.
These stories are few and far between, and even if you do succeed it is going to take years before you can give up your job.
Personally I have found if I am working with someone on a project, or I know someone who is starting a project at the same time, when you hit rocket bottom as you’re not making the thousands you expected your blogging partner is there. You can bounce ideas off of each other, and the ability to speak to someone in the same position as you is worth its weight in gold.
2. Get involved.
Admittedly when I first started blogging I found it hard to put myself out there, I wouldn’t comment on other blogs sometimes, and I wouldn’t connect on social networks. However until you get yourself out there how do you expect your blog to succeed? However controversial your views out, no matter how much you dislike the site, people can’t click on your link if your links not there.
I am not saying argue with people and openly say you don’t like their blogs, but interact with people on Facebook and twitter, comment on blogs, post on forums. No matter how uncomfortable you feel doing this, get your name known.
3. Putting Plans in place.
There is a reason we all start blogging, whether it’s to make money or just to help people there is a reason. Whatever your reason is what is your end goal? Do you have an eBook you want to sell? Do you want to become an expert in your area of expertise?
Whatever it is, how do you plan to get there? You will never reach the heights you want without making plans to get there. A lot of blogging relies on luck, however put firm plans in place for all aspects, content production, marketing, social networking, whatever your aim is without plans you won’t get there.
4. Research your Niche.
The main problem most bloggers find is that the need for their blog was never there. Just because one person has an issue or problem does not mean many are.
There are numerous tools we can use to research our chosen niche, market samurai and Google keyword tool are the most popular and one’s I would recommend. Before you choose to go with any niche, or any blog make sure there is an audience there. You could do absolutely everything right, your blog design, marketing and content could all be spot on but if the niche doesn’t exist or its too crowded you will never succeed.
5.Go Live!
This is an issue we will all have. We all want our blogs to be perfect before we let the public in, we check every single feature to make sure it’s perfect. What I am about to say may not be what you want to hear, but your blog will never be perfect.
No matter what you do, no matter how many plans you have, no matter how much content you have, your blog won’t be perfect. Until you get your blog out there in the real world. Sometimes you can’t see something that your viewers can, until you get that criticism you will never know.
by Steve Gray, Studio-83
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